Red, White, and Blue Coffee Filter Stars
Crafts for Kids: Red, white, and blue coffee filter stars only take minutes to make, and they make great patriotic decorations! (Free template included!)
Crafts for Kids: Red, white, and blue coffee filter stars only take minutes to make, and they make great patriotic decorations! (Free template included!)
Simple yellow sensory bin with items you have around the house as an introduction to colors for babies and toddlers!
Simple Math Activities for Kids: Patterning with Counting Blocks
Baking with Kids: Simple and delicious baked blueberry oatmeal recipe – try it for breakfast tomorrow!
Simple Sensory Activities for Kids: Sensory Soup with Cups and Lids – perfect for sibling play or play dates!
Sensory Pretend Play: Invitation to Create Play Dough Cupcakes
Baking with Kids: Vanilla sprinkle cupcakes are easy to make and DELICIOUS!
Water play for kids of all ages: Sensory soup with ice and pool noodles! Perfect simple summer fun!
Nutella Popsicles: 2 ingredients, easy to make, and so delicious!
Baking with Kids: Red, white, and blue cupcakes made from scratch, perfect for the 4th of July!
Baking with Kids: Try this simple Banana Chocolate Chip Cake! Perfect for using up overripe bananas, no mixer required, and it’s delicious, too!