Red, White, and Blue Coffee Filter Stars
Crafts for Kids: Red, white, and blue coffee filter stars only take minutes to make, and they make great patriotic decorations! (Free template included!)
Crafts for Kids: Red, white, and blue coffee filter stars only take minutes to make, and they make great patriotic decorations! (Free template included!)
Coffee Filter Hearts: A classic toddler and preschool craft that looks great hanging in a window!
Art Projects for Kids: Painting Leaves – simple and oh so beautiful!
Use bathtime for simple activities that teach colors, letters, or are just plain fun: 15 Fun Bathtub Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Try this quick and simple fall art activity: Apple printing is fun for toddlers, preschooler, and older kids, too!
Large-Scale Toddler Art: Paint a big window outside!
Shaving cream activities are always so much fun! This Sensory Shaving Cream Fall Art activity was an invitation to play and create, and my kindergartener did it completely differently from how I imagined it – and I loved that 🙂
We had a ton of fun with this homemade paint recipe: Process Art with Fizzy Flour Paint is great for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners – actually, for kids of all ages!
This colorful circles collage was so much fun to make! Plus, it also worked on hand strengthening and fine motor skills without even trying. It was perfect for my preschooler, but my toddler had a go, too, and didn’t want to stop 🙂
Homemade paint from simple ingredients that fizzes??! Yes please! Check out this awesome recipe for DIY Erupting Flour Paint – it’s taste safe, too!
Super simple art ideas for toddlers: We did some quick and simple Q-Tip Process Art with my toddler! He adored the activity 🙂
Super simple art project with no paintbrushes: Easter Egg Process Art – perfect for kids of all ages, toddlers and preschoolers on up!