Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Board Game
Today, I have something for your second grader that my own second grader really liked – she definitely needed the practice, too! This Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Board Game is easy to prepare, easy to play, and a fun way to practice an important second-grade math skill (common core standard 2.NBT.4)
As usual, the VIP version of the file has a lot of exclusive content: three different number fonts, gameboard versions with and without instructions, and everything in color and black and white. Become a member or buy this file separately in my shop.
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.
Materials for Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Board Game
- Printable file (below).
- Printer.
- Laminator, laminating pouch (optional).
- One sheet of paper.
- One six- or four-sided die.
- One game piece per player.
What’s in the printable PDF file?
The free file includes one game board in color with instructions printed on it. For different number fonts, black and white versions, and versions with no instructions, they’re in the VIP exclusive file. To get it, become a member or check out the VIP file in my shop.
Print the page and get a four- or six-sided die plus a game piece for each player. Move along the squares and compare the number you start from to the one you land on. Keep going until you get to the finish.
Do you teach toddlers and preschoolers?
This Feed the Shark bundle includes all of the important areas of early childhood education: Letters, numbers (1-40), sizes, and colors in a super engaging feed the animal game. The bundle also includes task cards and matching storage labels.
Are you looking for more board games? Here are a few others I’ve made!
Addition and Subtraction within 20 Apple Board Game
Apple Addition Board Game {Day 4 of Apple Printables}
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