B is for Bee Digital Letter Find
How is your distance learning going? We’ve finally been able to go back in person (here in Germany), and we’re all relieved 🙂 It was a rough few months, and I know that many of you are still in the distancing phase with no end in sight.
We had a chance to explore the possibilities of learning with Google Slides, and I’m going to focus more on sharing the digital activities we’ve worked on over the next few weeks rather than as many printables – and let’s face it, it’s probably going to stay that way for a while, depending on your needs.Â
As my first digital activity for Google Slides, please check out my B is for Bee Digital Letter Find!
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What digital slides are included?
This digital letter find includes three slides in Google Slides format that you can assign to your students:
- One slide has uppercase letters,
- one has lowercase letters,
- and the third has mixed-case letters.
Students are asked to drag and drop the bees on the right-hand side of each slide to cover the letter B. There are as many bees as letters B/b on each slide to give them a self-checking element.
How to add this file to Google Slides
In the PDF you receive, locate page and click the link. Google Slides will automatically ask you to make a copy for your own Google Drive. Make sure you’re logged into the correct Google account for teaching to allow you to assign slides to your students through Google Classroom if needed.
Did you work on your main copy by accident? Just click the link again for a fresh copy so you can start over without having to move all of the bees back to their starting spots 🙂
If you have other problems or questions, I’ve put together a resource page to help.
Do you teach toddlers and preschoolers?
This Feed the Shark bundle includes all of the important areas of early childhood education: Letters, numbers (1-40), sizes, and colors in a super engaging feed the animal game. The bundle also includes task cards and matching storage labels.
Like the butterfly theme?
Try B is for Butterfly Letter Maze, Catching Butterflies Fill in the Blank Clip Cards, Butterfly I Spy Game, and Painted and Jeweled Butterflies!
Are you looking for more letter-recognition activities? Here are a few others!
B is for Bunny Dot Marker Letter Find
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