Super Simple Healthy Popsicles

It’s been hot around here, and we’ve been making lots of homemade healthy popsicles. E LOVES them and requests them a lot, and I don’t have to worry about her getting too much sugar and whatever else is in the store bought kind.
How to Make Super Simple Healthy Popsicles
(E was 32 months old.)

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You’ll need: 
  • Popsicle mold or small containers and popsicle sticks.
  • Juice.
  • Frozen fruit (optional).
I started out just simply making juice popsicles in a basic mold like this one. The last few times, I made it a bit fancier by adding frozen fruit. For some reason, I never let E help…

Today was the first day we kicked it up another notch by using these star shaped popsicle molds {available here in different colors} that I came across after the old mold broke when it hit the floor fully frozen – and E helped make her first batch of popsicles. She was SO excited!

Together, we added frozen blueberries to five individual molds, and raspberries to one of them. {E hasn’t been too fond of raspberries, so I want to see if she likes them better when they’re part of one of her beloved popsicles.}


I poured the juice myself  but E could definitely do it next time.

E proceeded to count the molds
and then was actually able to put the lids on herself. The molds are way sturdier than they look.
So proud of her work!
{Please note that I somewhat under-filled the molds since I wasn’t familiar with this new style yet. The juice really doesn’t expand by that much 😉 }
E got to open the freezer door and place the popsicles inside. Now all we need to do is be patient enough to let them freeze for several hours. {We certainly haven’t checked already only to find they weren’t completely frozen yet or anything 😉 }
E goes outside to eat popsicles since they do start dripping quite quickly at the rate this almost 3 year old eats them 😉 So a popsicle usually buys me about 5-10 minutes of what you can see in the following picture – and she’s basically just drinking a glass of juice with some frozen fruit added!
Do you make your own popsicles? What’s your favorite recipe? Tell me in the comments!


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  1. We love to make these! My 4-year-old gets such a kick out of making her own popsicles! We’ve never tried adding fruit, but we’ll have to give it a shot next time!

  2. E was incredibly proud of her own popsicles as well! She likes it even better with added fruit – especially the “boobabies” (blueberries) 😉 We’ll try other types of fruit next time. I’m sure pretty much anything will work, fresh or frozen, as long as it’s in small enough pieces.

  3. Hyang Yangishe says:

    I really like this popsicle’s me and by Little sister Shing made theese with peach and infused water it tasted soo good and i will pobaly make them again a lot of times