Straws and Cotton Swabs Sensory Bin
Today, I’ve posted about a great toddler boredom buster that really engaged N on Living Life and Learning!
It was so easy to set up with simple materials from the kitchen and bathroom, not messy, and combined a sensory activity with fine motor practice: Straws and Cotton Swabs Sensory Bin!
(N was 14 months old.)
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Straws and cotton swabs just naturally go together, don’t you think? It didn’t take N long to figure this out, too 🙂
Head on over now to read the full post on Living Life and Learning!
Looking for other quick, simple, and fun toddler activities? I got some!
Farm Animal Sensory Bin with Real Grass
Red, White, and Blue Water Sensory Bin
Flower Sensory Soup on Living Life and Learning
16 No Preparation Activities to Keep Toddlers Busy on Powerful Mothering
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