Snow Fort First Grade Sight Word Find Printable
Are you still looking for different and fun ways of practicing sight words? I think you can never have too many different sight word activities to really make sure every individual child really gets them down pat!
This one is a no prep differentiated worksheet-style printable all in b&w covering the 41 first grade sight words with a winter theme: Snow Fort First Grade Sight Word Find
Materials for Snow Fort First Grade Sight Word Find
- PDF file.
- Paper.
- Printer.
- Laminator and laminating pouches (optional to make reusable).
What’s in the Printable PDF File?
The file includes a total of 41 x 6 = 246 pages covering the 41 first grade sight words in six variations each.
Five versions include tracing and/or writing lines above the sight word find portion. The sixth version has no tracing or writing.
The six versions are as follows:
– one line of sight word tracing with numbers & arrows and one line with no numbers & no arrows;
– two lines of sight word tracing with no numbers & no arrows;
– two lines of word tracing with numbers and arrows;
– one large sight word outline;
– one blank line with instructions to write the sight word;
– no tracing or writing.
I’ve also included full-page cover labels you can use to organize your storage. As always, there’s an interactive, clickable table of contents and an easy, convenient way to get back to it from each section of the file.
All you need to do is pick out the version(s) you need for your students and print them out. The kids can start working on them right away. There are many ways to mark the sight words: dot markers, small counters, stickers, and more. We even used washi tape – that was E’s favorite thing of the day 🙂
Check out the video for more details!
Download your Snow Fort First Grade Sight Word Find Right Now!
Go to my store right now for full access to the sight word find file and start practicing and reviewing first grade sight words right where you are within minutes!
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