Shaving Cream Tray

Originally, I set the shaving cream tray up to be a Halloween invitation to play, with lots of Halloween themed loose parts. E preferred using it quite differently, spending relatively little time using the loose parts and focusing on additional tools she requested following her own ideas. And that’s what invitations to play are all about!

{You can read about another sort of invitation to play with shaving cream and liquid watercolors I recently set up for E, using the materials for our Marbled Pumpkins craft.}


Sensory fun with E’s take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray! Great for toddlers and preschoolers.

(E was 3 years and 11 months old.)

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Materials for Shaving Cream Tray Invitation to Play



I used a storage box lid to hold the shaving cream instead of a proper tray, and its properties inspired E greatly! This wasn’t intentional on my part but a nice surprise.

I added orange liquid watercolors to a hand soap container that still had a little bit of soap at the bottom that wouldn’t come out during normal use. I was going to wash out the container but adding a little bit of soap changes the sensory experience and helps with the clean up {not that liquid watercolors tend to be hard to clean up even without soap}, so I was glad that I’d changed my mind. E loves using those containers but usually doesn’t get to do as much with them as she’d like.

Finally, I put googly eyes, lizards, spiders and a few different  kinds of Halloween confetti into a divided tray.

I set it all up in the backyard at first {and I was unable to get a picture before E grabbed the hand soap container 😉 }.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


E immediately asked for a paintbrush, so I gave her a small selection, and she started using the plain shaving cream to paint the little compartments at the edge of the storage box lid.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


Unfortunately, we soon noticed that it was too windy for the confetti to stay put {the wind even blew pine needles and sand towards us that got stuck in the shaving cream}, so we moved everything to the dining table.

E kept painting the edges of the box lid with both her paintbrush and her finger.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


She had one of the lizards take a plunge into the shaving cream, then tried to wipe it off with a paper towel that she’d requested. It wasn’t easy to do, so she handed it to me to help 😉


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


It wasn’t until she’d used the plain shaving cream for quite a while that E really got to work on the orange liquid watercolors.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


{Note the second lizard taking a nap in the shaving cream.}


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


The orange watercolors had her all kinds of inspired: To wash her hands in them


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


and turn the paper towel orange.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


A spider got to take a bath in it {and of course was wiped off again afterwards.}


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


She requested a sponge and used it along with the soaked paper towel to wipe off the table at length. It was a battle between the watercolors and the soap over turning the table orange or actually cleaning it, and the soap actually came out slightly ahead 😉


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


Next, she tried the foam paintbrush {that she’s usually not too fond of – I still usually offer it along with a few other kinds when she asks for a paintbrush}


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


before starting to explore with her hands


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


and arms


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


 and face {note the suspicious orange cast to her face 😉 }.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


But as is frequently the case these days, the part where she wiped it all off was the best part for her. Let’s just say the paper towels had a tough job today 😉


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


When E was done, we cleaned up together {so wonderfully easy with shaving cream, and the soap made it even easier} and I left the remaining shaving cream on the tray to save for another activity the next day where I wanted to give E the chance to explore partially dried up shaving cream.


Fun with E's take on my invitation to play with the shaving cream tray!


Does your kid enjoy playing with shaving cream? What’s her favorite sensory material? Leave a comment!


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    1. Thank you, Rachel! Shaving cream is the best 🙂

  1. yes yes yes! shaving cream is the best! they love it when we mix it with cornflour too, it turns into some sort of snow cloud mixture! love it 🙂

    1. We’ve never tried cornstarch and shaving cream before! I bet it’s so awesome, and E would love it. It’s definitely on the list 😉