Painting with Kitchen Tools
Here’s another art activity for toddlers and even babies that’s quick and easy to set up and take down while allowing little ones to be creative and explore art in an unusual way: Painting with Kitchen Tools!
(E was 2 years and 10 months old.)
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Materials for Painting with Kitchen ToolsÂ
- Tempera paint.
- Different kitchen tools. {We used two different potato mashers, a slotted spoon, and a ladle.}
- Large sheet of paper or similar. {We happened to have a large sheet of styrofoam laying around, so we used it.}
I’d planned this as a potato masher printing activity but when I got the mashers out, E insisted on taking the slotted spoon as well.
This literally took two minutes to set up – and that included running upstairs for the paint 😉
E got started with one of the potato mashers and quickly started printing away.
I’d tried to go with a minimum of containers, so I’d put two colors to one bowl, and it allowed E to have two colors in the same print – pretty cool!
E tried the slotted spoon next, used it to mix a new color, and did some drip painting.
With the remaining two tools, E turned to the second bowl of paint and mixed the two colors right away
to make a few prints with the other potato masher but preferred to use it as a paintbrush.
She tried some finger painting on the unusual surface of the styrofoam
before asking to go back inside to get a “spoon” – by the time we were inside, she’d decided on a ladle.
Back outside, she loaded it up with paint for some more drip painting.
When she was done, she started cleaning off her tools with a paper towel
and admired her finished work.
 Have you tried painting with kitchen tools? What unusual art activity have you done lately? Leave me a comment and tell me all about it!
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