Painting on the Wall
One fine day, E saw in one of her books that some kids got to paint on the wall in preschool!
She was intrigued and asked me if we could try that at home. I didn’t see a reason why we couldn’t – and it kicked off several weeks of painting on the wall over and over again 🙂
(E was 3 years and 4 months old.)
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Materials for Painting on the Wall
- Large sheet of paper. {We usually use poster board but anything you can paint on while protecting the wall will work.}
- Paint of your choice. {We went with tempera paint to be able to easily wash it off just in case a bit of paint ended up on the wall itself.}
- Paintbrush(es) (optional).
- Duct tape.
- Muffin tin (optional).
This is a really quick and simple activity but switching to a vertical painting surface definitely changed up our “every day” painting and added a lot of interest!
E got the paint ready while I hung up a sheet of poster board with duct tape. We usually use individual cups for paint but given that the paint would be on the floor, I wanted to reduce the risk of spillage and used a muffin tin.
Simply standing up while painting was a whole different experience, but E decided to experiment further. Here, she’s trying out painting with her left hand.
She had fun with long horizontal and vertical strokes
but also made sure to carefully fill in any gaps.
She knelt down to paint the bottom of the poster board.
She spent more than half an hour with this activity that first day!
Even her hair ended up being painted somehow 😉 It did match her shirt, at least 😉
A few days later, one of her little friends came to visit, and they happily painted side by side – not literally on the wall but on the fence outside.
Have you tried painting on the wall? What’s your favorite non-traditional way to paint? Leave a comment below!
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