Messy Toddler Fun with Goop and Grass
We just love goop around here! It’s so simple to make, easy to clean up, and super fun for sensory play. Oh, it’s also taste safe on top of all that!
I love this post about N’s first experience with it when he was still a baby!
We actually haven’t played with goop in a shockingly long time, but I just wrote a post about N’s most recent experience with it:Â Messy Toddler Fun with Goop and Grass on Living Life and Learning!
(N was 1 year old.)
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Mixing goop and grass kept N’s attention for quite a long time, and he really enjoyed exploring goop in a different way. I loved that he had so much fun, that it was still taste safe (he did taste it a few times), and since most of the goop stuck to the grass, it was also even easier to clean up than plain goop. Win win 🙂
Head on over to Living Life and Learning to read all of the details!
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Washing Toys from Hands On: As We Grow
Easter Eggs Activity from Powerful Mothering
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