Letter U Maze


Last week, I shared my Letter T Maze with you, and today, it’s the Letter U Maze – U is for Umbrella! {If you’re looking for other letters, you’ll find them on my printables page.}


Learning letters with a toddler or preschooler? Make it more fun with this letter U maze!

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.


Follow the maze to give the umbrella to the little boy!

As usual, there are three versions: Lowercase, uppercase, and mixed case.


Learning letters with a toddler or preschooler? Make it more fun with this letter U maze!


As with most printables, it’s a good idea to laminate for extra durability. Alternatively, you can put it in a sheet protector that you can reuse for something else later.


Learning letters with a toddler or preschooler? Make it more fun with this letter U maze!


Please enter your name and email address to download your free letter maze pdf file!



Do your kids love letter mazes? Check out this special offer!

I have a bundle of letter mazes for all letters from A-Z, numbers 1-10, 1-15, and 1-20, and the entire alphabet at a special price. Go get the A-Z Letter Maze bundle right now!

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  1. I just pinned to my letter U board. Cute! I’ll have to go surfing through your site to get other things for my other letter boards…