Exploring Pencils and Erasers
This ultimately simple activity exploring pencils and erasers came about when I realized that at 3 years old, E had never used an eraser! We fixed that really quickly – and I was surprised how much exploring two kinds of erasers entertained her.
At the same time, she also discovered a different way of using pencils!
(E was 3 years and 3 months old.)
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Materials for Exploring Pencils and Erasers
- Paper.
- Pencil(s).
- Different kinds of erasers.
I put out a sheet of paper, a couple of pencils with erasers on the end, and a random eraser we had laying around the house. I told you it was simple!
To get us started, I shaded an area of the paper in pencil. E was intrigued by the technique and tried it herself.
I explained to her about erasers and how you can remove pencil marks with it.
She gave it a try
and noticed how the eraser turned black from the pencil marks.
She tried the eraser on the end of one of the pencils next.
 She made more pencil scribbles to erase them over and over again.
She also tried the eraser on the blank back of the paper
and just admired the awesome princess pencil 🙂
She clearly considered all this process art: She signed her work when she was done
 and even hung it on the wall!
When did your kids first explore erasers? Were you more on the ball about it than me? Leave a comment below!
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