Chalkboard Art

Set up for our Toddler Chalkboard Fun activity

(E was 27 months old when she first had fun with Chalkboard Art)

We had:

  • Smallish chalkboard (from IKEA).
  • Various types of magnets.
  • One white piece of chalk.
  • Paintbrush.
  • Water.

How it worked for us: It was meant as kind of a starter experience, since the chalkboard had actually been out for a while but E had never really used it. My basic thought had been about painting on chalkboard with water but I just put out a variety of items for her and let her decide what to do. E really explored a lot of options, which I thought was wonderful, although all the magnets were total overkill and she almost didn’t bother with them.

There was painting with a dry brush,

Toddler painting with a dry brush

drawing with chalk,

Toddler drawing with chalk

some limited magnet sticking,

Toddler sticking magnets to a chalkboard

drawing on magnets with chalk,

Toddler drawing on magnets

tracing her own hand {She’s really into this right now, asks me to do it on a daily basis, then tries to trace her and my hand 🙂 It’s really the cutest thing.}  First attempt with chalk here (my hand not pictured ;).

Toddler tracing her hand in chalk

getting the paintbrush wet and actually painting with water for a bit,

Toddler painting with water

applying the principle to the chalk (it broke in half somewhere along the way),

Toddler with wet chalk

going for the ever-popular spilling water activity {she actually managed to keep it all on the table, I was impressed 😉 },

Toddler spilling water

what to do with all that nice water? That’s right, a hand print in water!

Toddler handprint on chalkboard

Great fun was had in a variety of ways. We’ll definitely be exploring chalkboard art further in the future!

What I’ve learned:

  • Being creative with the actual art supplies was way more interesting than the magnets.
  • Open-ended art projects with a variety of materials are great fun.
  • There are the things you think your kid might do with the materials supplied, and then she’ll go and do those that you hadn’t thought of 😉

Additional suggestions:

  • All kinds of magnet fun – I’m sure E will get into it in the future.
  • More chalk in different colors.
  • Different kinds of paintbrushes and other tools to paint with water: Sponge, tissue, shaving brush, pipe cleaner, etc.
  • Covering the chalkboard (or parts of it) with chalk marks to paint on.

Inspiration: From a post on Mummy Musings and Mayhem.



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