-at Family CVC Word Pumpkins

About once a week, E asks to work on reading. She has beginning and end sounds down pat, but sounding out unknown words is still hard. She recognizes a few words from working on sounding them out as well as a few sight words that have come up when I read to her.

I felt that seeing how she can make and read many words by just switching out one letter in a word family would help her take a new step towards sounding out new words. We’d previously played with -at Family CVC Words Play Dough Mats as an introduction to word families, but this time, I wanted to reinforce the fact that the words only differ in one letter.

These -at Family CVC Word Pumpkins were great fun for E and gave her valuable info for working on sounding out words.

Hands on practice for sounding out words with -at Family CVC Word Pumpkins - several ways to play!

(E was 4 years and 10 months old.)

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The printable consists of 3 pages: The first page has four pumpkins with the words “bat”, “cat”, “fat”, and “hat”. The second page has four pumpkins with “mat”, “pat”, “rat”, “sat”. The third page has two pumpkins, one with “vat”, and the other with just “at” and a space in front of it. On the third page are also all the letters you need to spell all the -at family words.

Hands on practice for sounding out words with -at Family CVC Word Pumpkins - several ways to play!

Here are two ways we’ve used the pumpkins: {I laminated everything for extra durability, but it’s not necessary}

First, I put a page of four pumpkins on a cookie sheet and placed the letters to go with them in a bowl. E picked a word to spell, got the letters from the bowl, and placed them on top of the letters on the pumpkin. We went over the sound of each letter and how the end of all the words was the same. This concept finally clicked with E, and she was able to figure out all the words she hadn’t known before {she’d picked up bat and cat previously from trying to sound them out but never fully succeeding}.

Hands on practice for sounding out words with -at Family CVC Word Pumpkins - several ways to play!

After she lost interest in this variation, we switched to the “-at” pumpkin. I placed it on the cookie sheet along with all the beginning sounds. She put the beginning sounds in the space on the pumpkin, then read the words.

Hands on practice for sounding out words with -at Family CVC Word Pumpkins - several ways to play!

Here’s a short video of this part of the activity:

There are many ways of using these pumpkins. I’d like to turn them into a CVC word pumpkin patch next! {Here’s a sight word pumpkin patch sensory bin we played with.}

Please enter your name and email address to download your free CVC word pumpkins!


How are you going to use the CVC word pumpkins? Leave a comment below!

Here are some more fall themed printables for you:

Fall Coloring Pages

Fall Beginning Sounds Clip Cards

Football Printable Pack

Fall File Folder Games from Itsy Bitsy Fun

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